nākamais augstāk iepriekšējais saturs Angļu valoda DU TSC
Nākamais: THE BEE

Angļu valodas katedra

Olga Šostaka




''Enjoy Talking English'' is a complement of a secondary school text-book. Its aim is to help students to enrich their active vocabulary and develop speech habits.

The book consists of 33 short exciting stories and 7 unified exercises for each of them. The stories are chosen mainly from English and American sources.

It is recommended that the book should be used in the following way. Begin by studying the vocabulary, reading the words given after each text. Read the words more than once if necessary, to ensure remembering. Then pass on to the story, read it, try to understand and remember it. After that do the exercises which primarily are meant to be used for oral training. Do them in twos or in small groups. Do all of them - numerous repetitions will lead to better mastery of the given lexical material. If the exercises are done properly they will develop the ability of spontaneous use of the vocabulary and free talk.

The main psychological principles the book is based on are interest, positive emotions, and enjoyment.

The book may be used by learners of different age groups, students of the intermediate and advanced level.

nākamais augstāk iepriekšējais saturs Angļu valoda DU TSC
Nākamais: THE BEE
