nâkamais augstâk iepriekðçjais saturs Angïu valoda DU TSC
Nâkamais: A STORY TOO TERRIBLE TO TELL Augstâk: ang1 Iepriekðçjais: THE SMOKING CHIMNEY

Read the story and get a general idea.


Professor Brown was once on his way to Manchester. In those days travelling was difficult, and finding that he could not reach the town before night, he began to look for a suitable inn where he could spend the night. He met a man whom he asked whether he knew a good house where he could spend the night.

The man, not understanding what Mr. Brown wanted, sent him to a large house, which belonged to a rich man whose name was Smith. Mr. Brown went there and was met by Mr. Smith himself. Mr. Brown thought that the house was an inn and that Mr. Smith was the innkeeper, and asked him to prepare a room and supper for him.

At first Mr. Smith was surprised, but he soon understood Mr. Brown's mistake. So he decided to play a joke on him. Supper was prepared for him and Mr. Brown was given everything he wanted.

In the morning Mr. Brown ordered breakfast and asked for his bill. Then Mr. Smith said with a smile that he was his guest, and Mr. Brown realized his mistake.


I Learn and practise the pronunciation of the following vocabulary.

1. once - vienreiz - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{îäíàæäû}}$

2. on one's way - ceïâ - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{íà ïóòè}}$

3. difficult - grûts - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{òðóäíûé}}$

4. reach - sasniegt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{äîñòèãàòü, äîáðàòüñÿ}}$

5. to look for - meklçt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{èñêàòü}}$

6. suitable - piemçrots - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïîäõîäÿùèé}}$

7. to spend - pavadît (laiku) - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïðîâîäèòü (âðåìÿ)}}$

8. to meet (met) - satikt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âñòðå÷àòü}}$

9. to belong to - piederçt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïðèíàäëåæàòü}}$

10. to think (thought) - domât - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{äóìàòü}}$

11. an inn - neliela viesnîca - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{íåáîëüøàÿ

12. an innkeeper - viesnîcas îpaðnieks - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âëàäåëåö

13. to prepare - sagatavot - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ãîòîâèòü}}$

14. to be surprised - bût pârsteigtam - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{óäèâëÿòüñÿ}}$

15. to decide - nolemt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ðåøàòü}}$

16. to play a joke on smb - kâdu izjokot - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñûãðàòü
øóòêó ñ êåì-òî }}$

17. a bill - rçíins - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñ÷åò}}$

18. a guest - ciemiòð - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ãîñòü}}$

19. to realize a mistake - saprast kïûdu - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïîíÿòü

II Answer the questions.

1. Where was Professor Brown travelling once?

2. Was it easy to travel men?

3. Why did he begin to look for a suitable inn?

4. Did the man, whom he met, understand him?

5. Why did Mr. Smith accomodate Professor Brown?

6. Did Mr. Brown understand his mistake?

7. How did Mr. Brown like it?

III Read and reproduce the dialogues.


B. Good evening, Sir!

M. Good evening, Sir! What can I do for you?

B. Excuse me, please! I'm a stranger here. Could you tell me where I can spend a night? Do you know a good house?

M. Here is the house of Mr. Brown, you'll find yourself at home there.

B. Thank you very much! I'm very much obliged to you!

M. You are welcome!


B. Good evening, Sir!

S. Good evening! Come in, please. What can I do for you?

B. I'm Professor Brown. Prepare a room and supper for me, please!

S. Prepare a room and supper?

B. Sure, I'm a stranger here.

S. Ah, you are welcome Mr. Brown!

B. Thank you.

S. You'll be given everything you want.

In the morning.

B. Can I have breakfast in my room?

S. Sure, here you are.

B. My bill, please.

S. But, Mr. Brown! You are my guest!

B. Sorry, I'm so absent-minded! Thank you very much for everything! Come to see me at my place, we shall be friends!

S. Sure, you are welcome! I'll ring you up one day.

IY Make up and act out dialogues, using the following vocabulary.

1. What can I do for you, I'm a stranger, to spend a night, you'll find yourself at home, I'm very much obliged to you, you are welcome.

2. Come in, please, what can I do for you, sure, here you are, I'm absent-minded, we shall be friends, I'll ring you up, soon.

Y Prove it by the facts from the story.

1. Travelling was difficult in the time of the narration.

2. The man to whom Mr. Brown turned for help didn't understand him.

3. Mr. Brown took Mr. Smith's house for an inn.

4. Mr. Smith decided to play a joke on Mr. Brown.

5. Mr. Brown liked it at Mr. Smith's house.

YI Retell the story according to the given plan.

1. Travelling was difficult.

2. Mr. Brown didn't have a place to spend a night at.

3. The passer-by didn't understand Mr. Brown.

4. Mr. Smith welcomed Mr. Brown.

5. Mr. Brown didn't understand his mistake at once.

YII Topics for discussion.

1. Travelling is a difficult thing, isn't it?

2. Have you ever had difficulties in travelling? Tell the group about them.

3. Do you like to travel?

4. Are you afraid of difficulties in general?

5. How do you try to overcome difficulties?

6. What did Mr. Brown feel when he left Mr. Smith's house?

7. Did the gentlemen become friends then?

8. Change the end of the story, what could it be?

nâkamais augstâk iepriekðçjais saturs Angïu valoda DU TSC
Nâkamais: A STORY TOO TERRIBLE TO TELL Augstâk: ang1 Iepriekðçjais: THE SMOKING CHIMNEY
