nâkamais augstâk iepriekðçjais saturs Angïu valoda DU TSC
Nâkamais: THE LOVE DRUG Augstâk: ang1 Iepriekðçjais: THE POWER OF IMAGINATION

Read the story and get a general idea.


Long, long ago, when the world was young, the Sun, the Wind and the Moon were once invited to a dinner party by their friends. Their mother, the Sky, waited alone for their return.

The Sun and the Wind were bad little boys. They greedily ate a lot of food, and didn't think of their mother, who was left at home dying of hunger. But good little Moon didn't forget her mother. Of each dish that was put before her, she kept a little to take away to the mother.

"Well, my children, what's the news? What have you brought for me?" asked the mother of the Sun, the Moon and the Wind when they came back home late at night.

"What do you mean, woman?" shouted the Sun, who was the eldest in the family. "What did you expect of us? I went to the dinner to eat and enjoy myself, and not to get food for you."

"You're right, my brother," said the Wind. "Mother doesn't even know how to eat, because she has no teeth in the mouth. In addition, we had such beautiful clothes on that we couldn't put anything into the pockets."

"Sit still, you bad boys and don't make our mother angry," said little Moon, interrupting her brothers. "Stop talking to mother like that."

With these words she ran up to the old woman and said, "Mother, here's a little of everything we were given at the dinner."

"Thank you, my dear Moon Child," said the Sky. Then she turned to her sons in anger. "You're ungrateful children. Listen to me, my eldest son. I know that people love you very much. Now if you're too gay, you'll shine too hotly they won't love you any longer. And you, little Wind, you'll be blowing in a dry weather and men will hate you, too. But you, sweet daughter, you who thought of the mother, you'll always be calm, soft, and beautiful, and young men and women will always be full of love when they see you."

That is why the Sun is hated when he shines too hotly, the Wind is I hated when he blows too hard, but the Moon is always loved by everybody.


I Learn and practise the pronunciation of the following vocabulary.

1. to invite - ielûgt (uzlûgt) - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïðèãëàøàòü}}$

2. a dinner party - pusdienas - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{çâàíûé îáåä}}$

3. alone - vienatnç - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{â îäèíî÷åñòâå}}$

4. a return - atgrieðanâs - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âîçâðàùåíèå}}$

5. greedily - kâri - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{æàäíî}}$

6. to leave (left) - atstât, aiziet - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïîêèäàòü,

7. to die of hunger - mirt badâ - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{óìèðàòü ñ ãîëîäó}}$

8. to forget - aizmirst - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{çàáûâàòü}}$

9. a dish - çdiens - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{áëþäî}}$

10. to keep - saglabât - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñîõðàíèòü}}$

11. to take away - aiznest - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{îòíåñòè}}$

12. What's the news? - Kas jauns? - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{×òî íîâîãî?}}$

13. to bring - atnest - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïðèíåñòè}}$

14. late at night - vçlu naktî - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïîçäíî íî÷üþ}}$

15. What do you mean? - Ko tu domâ? - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{×òî òû èìååøü

16. to shout - kliegt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{êðè÷àòü}}$

17. to expect of somebody - gaidît no kâda - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{îæèäàòü
îò êîãî-òî}}$

18. to enjoy oneself - saòemt baudu, apmierinâjumu - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïîëó÷àòü óäîâîëüñòâèå îò}}$

19. food - barîba - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïèùà}}$

20. you're right - tev taisnîba - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{òû ïðàâ}}$

21. a tooth (teeth) - zobs - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{çóá}}$

22. a mouth - mute - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ðîò}}$

23. in addition - bez tam - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{êðîìå òîãî}}$

24. to have smth on - bût apìçrbtam - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{áûòü îäåòûì âî

25. a pocket - kabata - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{êàðìàí}}$

26. to make smb angry - sadusmot - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñåðäèòü êîãî-òî}}$

27. to interrupt - pârtraukt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïðåðûâàòü}}$

28. like that - tâdâ veidâ - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{òàêèì îáðàçîì}}$

29. to run (ran, run) - skriet - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{áåãàòü}}$

30. to turn to somebody - griezties pie kâda - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{îáðàòèòüñÿ ê
êîìó-òî }}$

31. in anger - dusmâs - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{â ãíåâå}}$

32. to be ungrateful - bût nepateicîgam - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{áûòü

33. gay - jautrs - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âåñåëûé}}$

34. to shine - spîdçt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñâåòèòü}}$

35. any longer - vairâk - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{áîëüøå}}$

36. to blow - pûst - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{äóòü}}$

37. to hate - ienîst - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{íåíàâèäåòü}}$

38. sweet - mîïð, salds - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ìèëûé, ñëàäêèé}}$

39. calm - mierîgs - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñïîêîéíûé}}$

40. that is why - tieði tâpçc - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âîò ïîýòîìó}}$

II Answer the questions.

1. When were the Sun, the Wind and the Moon invited to a dinner party?

2. Who invited them?

3. Who waited for their return?

4. Who ate greedily a lot of food?

5. What was the matter with their mother?

6. What did the mother ask them when they came home late at night?

7. What did the eldest son answer?

8. What did the Wind say?

9. Did the Moon interrupt her brothers?

10. Did the Moon also shout at the mother?

11. What did the Moon bring for the Sky?

12. What did the Sky promise to the Sun?

13. Why should people hate the Wind?

14. Why is the Moon pleasant for people?

III Read and reproduce the dialogues.


S. Hi, mother! Why aren't you sleeping?

W. Hi, mother! Why are you meeting us?

M. I'm glad you are back, my sons! Did you have a good time?

S. Sure, there were many of our friends there.

W. And the dinner was very tasty!

M. What's the news? What have you brought for me?

S. What do you mean, woman? What did you expect of us?

W. Mother, you don't know even how to eat. And I suppose, there are no teeth in your mouth.

S. I went to the dinner to eat and enjoy myself, and not to get food for you.

W. And in addition, we had such beautiful clothes on that we couldn't put anything into our pockets.

M. You are ungrateful children, and you'll be punished!


M. Oh, dear Moon Child! You thought about me even at the party!

Ch. Yes, mother. Here is a little of everything we were given at the dinner.

M. Thank you! You are a true daughter! You take care of your mother and because of that you'll always be loved by people.

Ch. I'm so happy, mother!

M. You'll always be calm, soft and beautiful, and young men and women will always be full of love when they see you.

Ch. So nice, mother!

M. Listen to me, you sons! I know, Sun, that people love you very much. But now if you are too gay you' 11 shine too hotly and people won't love you any longer.

S. But, mother, why? I don't like it.

M. It'll be like this for ever. And you, little Wind, you'll be blowing in a dry weather and men will hate you, too.

IY Make up and act out dialogues, using the following vocabulary.

1. I'm glad, to be back, tasty, What's the news?, to mean, to expect, teeth in the mouth, to enjoy myself, to get food, in addition, ungrateful, to punish.

2. To think about somebody, at the party, a little of everything, a true daughter, to take care of, to be happy, calm, soft, full of love, listen to me, to shine hotly, any longer, for ever, to blow, to hate.

Y Prove it by the facts from the story.

1. The Sky had three children.

2. Once the children were invited to a dinner party.

3. The mother was left at home, dying of hunger.

4. The sons were ungrateful.

5. The daughter was loving and attentive to her mother.

6. Mother took great care of her children.

7. The Sky was loving and strict at the same time.

8. The Sun and the Wind are sometimes hated, but the Moon is always loved.

YI Retell the story according to the given plan.

1. The Sun, the Wind and the Moon were once invited to a dinner party.

2. The Sky, their mother was left at home duying of hunger.

3. The Sun and the Wind ate greedily a lot of food, and didn't think of the mother.

4. The Moon kept a little of each dish to take away to her mother.

5. The mother was waiting for her children.

6. The Sun said that he went to eat and enjoy himself.

7. The Wind was sure that they couldn't bring anything for their mother, because they had beautiful clothes on and couldn't put anything into their pockets.

8. Only the Moon thought of her mother.

9. The mother punished the sons and blessed the daughter.

YII Topics for discussion.

1. Who was the best child?

2. Was the mother right in her punishment?

3. Do you always think of your parents and take care of them?

4. Does your mother often punish you?

5. Is your mother always right in her punishments?

6. Are you a good child?

7. Do you always understand your parents?

8. What did the children eat at the dinner party?

9. What dishes do you have for your birthday party?

10. What is your favourite dish?

11. Do you ever bring any food home from some dinner parties?

nâkamais augstâk iepriekðçjais saturs Angïu valoda DU TSC
Nâkamais: THE LOVE DRUG Augstâk: ang1 Iepriekðçjais: THE POWER OF IMAGINATION
