nâkamais augstâk iepriekðçjais saturs Angïu valoda DU TSC
Nâkamais: MIDAS Augstâk: ang1 Iepriekðçjais: DIOGENES AND ALEXANDER THE GREAT

Read the story and get a general idea.


On my way back from America I met two ladies: Mrs. Newrich and her daughter. I wanted to make friends with the daughter, but she was not talkative. Her mother, on the contrary seemed to be very talkative and to have a lot of money. I came to this conclusion when I was leaving the dining room, or should I say the restaurant, as I watched how she was paying a 50 dollar bill.

The two ladies and I took chairs and sat talking gaily. The sun was down on us and the heat was unbearable. Mrs. Newrich was very anxious that I should know how wealthy she was. She told me she washed her diamonds with fresh milk. The house described by her was one of the biggest in Alabama and everything in it was of finest quality including her husband and her carpets. She said she was very proud that her daughter was learning French and German and algebra, and what not.

Presently turning to her daughter she said: - Say something in algebra, dear! - I was beginning to feel sorry for the daughter and to change the subject I said: - I could do with a tropical drink, you know. - Hearing this the mother said to the daughter: - Go and fetch me some water! -When asked the girl got up and went away. About 10 minutes or so had passed when the girl was back, saying;

- No water, mummy! - The mother looked up and said: - Didn't I tell you to go and fetch some?

- So you did, mummy, but I couldn't.

- Why not?

- They haven't got any top quality water, mummy! You can't expect that I drink just water.


I Learn and practise the pronunciation of the following vocabulary.

1. on my way back from - pa ceïam no - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{íà ïóòè èç, ïî
ïóòè }}$

2. to make friends with - sadraudzçties ar - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïîäðóæèòüñÿ ñ}}$

3. talkative - runîgs - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ðàçãîâîð÷èâûé}}$

4. on the other hand - otrâdi, no citas puses - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{íàîáîðîò, ñ äðóãîé ñòîðîíû}}$

5. to come to a conclusion - nonâkt pie slçdziena - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïðèéòè ê çàêëþ÷åíèþ}}$

6. to take a chair - apsçsties uz krçsla - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñåñòü íà
ñòóë }}$

7. gaily - priecîgi, jautri - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âåñåëî}}$

8. the sun was beating down on us - saule mûs karsçja ïoti stipri -
$\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñîëíöå íàñ æãëî íåâûíîñèìî}}$

9. unbearable - neizturams - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{íåâûíîñèìûé}}$

10. to be anxious - uztraukties - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âîëíîâàòüñÿ}}$

11. wealthy - turîgs - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñîñòîÿòåëüíûé}}$

12. fresh milk - svaigs piens - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïðåñíîå ìîëîêî}}$

13. to include - ieslçgt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âêëþ÷àòü}}$

14. to be proud - lepoties - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ãîðäèòüñÿ}}$

15. and what not - un kâ tik nebija - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{è ÷åãî òîëüêî
íå áûëî }}$

16. to turn to - griezties pie kaut kâ - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{îáðàòèòüñÿ ê
êîìó-òî }}$

17. to feel sorry for - just lîdz - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñî÷óâñòâîâàòü

18. to change the subject - mainît tematu - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ñìåíèòü
òåìó }}$

19. go and fetch - aizej un atnes - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïîéäè ïðèíåñè}}$

20. about ten minutes or so - apmçram 10 minûtes - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{îêîëî äåñÿòè ìèíóò}}$

21. to be back - atgriezties - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âîçâðàùàòüñÿ}}$

22. no water - nav ûdens - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{íåò âîäû}}$

23. to look up - paskatîties uz augðu - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âçãëÿíóòü
ñíèçó ââåðõ}}$

24. top quality -augstâkâ labuma (kvalitâtes) - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âûñøåãî êà÷åñòâà}}$

25. just water - vienkârðs ûdens - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïðîñòàÿ âîäà}}$

II Answer the questions.

1. Whom did the man meet on his way back from America?

2. Whom did he want to make friends with?

3. Who was talkative?

4. What conclusion did the man come to?

5. What was the weather like?

6. What did Mrs. Newrich say about how wealthy she was?

7. What did she say about her daughter?

8. Why did the gentleman try to change the subject of the talk?

9. What did the mother ask her daughter to do?

10. Why didn't the daughter bring any water?

III Read and reproduce the dialogues.


M. Good morning, ladies!

N. Good morning, sir!

M. It's very hot today, isn't it?

N. Oh, yes, the heat is unbearable. We have a swimming pool at home, we could have a swim now!

M. Nice. It must be a big house.

N. One of the biggest houses in Alabama, I am sure.

M. You must be happy!

N. I am happy and rich! May husband is the best husband in the world!

M. Could it be otherwise?

N. You see, I wash my diamonds with fresh milk.

M. They must look beautiful!

N. Sure, and my carpets are of the finest quality!

M. You have a charming daughter too, don't you?

N. I'm proud of her, as a matter of fact. She learns French, and German, and algebra, and what not.

M. Such a clever girl!


M. Go and fetch me some water, dear.

D. O. K., mummy, I'll be back in no time.

M. Oh, my daughter is so long about the water!

D. Here I am, mummy! No water!

M. Didn't I tell you to go and fetch some?

D. So you did, mummy, but I couldn't.

M. Why not?

D. They haven't got any top quality water, mummy! You can't expect that I drink just water.

IY Make up and act out dialogues, using the following vocabulary.

1. Good morning, it's very hot, heat, unbearable, a swimming pool, I am sure, I am happy, the best husband in the world, could it be otherwise, to wash with fresh milk, to look beautiful, the finest quality, a charming daughter, to be proud of.

2. Go and fetch, I'll be back, in no time, to be long about something, top quality water, you can't expect, just water.

Y Prove it by the facts from the story.

1. Mrs. Newrich was very talkative.

2. Mrs. Newrich was very rich.

3. The weather was very hot.

4. Mrs. Newrich was very proud of her daughter.

5. The daughter was clever.

6.The author felt sorry for the daughter during the talk.

7. The daughter was not talkative.

YI Retell the story according to the given plan.

1. The author met two ladies on his way back to America.

2. The mother was talkative.

3. Mrs. Newrich was a rich lady.

4. Mrs. Newrich was proud of her daughter.

5. The author felt sorry for the daughter.

6. The mother wanted her daughter to bring some water.

7. The daughter didn't bring any water.

YII Topics for discussion.

1. Could the daughter understand her mother correctly?

2. How do you like such mother?

3. Does your mother praise you a lot?

4. Is it nice to boast?

5. Would you like to be as rich as the lady was?

6. What is better to be rich or to be poor?

7. Do you easily make friends?

8. Do you feel the humour of the story? Where is it?

nâkamais augstâk iepriekðçjais saturs Angïu valoda DU TSC
Nâkamais: MIDAS Augstâk: ang1 Iepriekðçjais: DIOGENES AND ALEXANDER THE GREAT
