nâkamais augstâk iepriekðçjais saturs Angïu valoda DU TSC
Nâkamais: A DILEMMA Augstâk: ang1 Iepriekðçjais: A FISH STORY

Read the story and get a general idea.


In the eighteenth century young ladies in Italy were taught reading, writing, music and arithmetic. Their knowledge of history and geography was very poor.

Once the French ambassador in Rome was giving a ball to which many important people were invited. The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs came very late. A young lady who was well acquainted with him, saw him enter the ball-room and asked why he was so late.

"You see," said the Minister, "there has been a little accident at the King's palace."

The curious young lady asked the Minister to tell her what had happened at the King's palace.

"Oh, nothing important," answered the Minister, "the ambassador of Brazil, who was to be presented to the King, forgot to take his credentials with him and was obliged to go back to his hotel to bring them. If he had left them in Brazil we should have had to wait at least six months for them."

"Is Brazil so far from Rome?" asked the lady, who knew very little geography.

"It is in the New World," said the Minister.

"In the New World?" repeated the lady in great astonishment.

"Yes, in the New World," answered the Minister in a sarcastic tone, "which was discovered by Christopher Columbus."

When the young lady heard this she rushed into the middle of the ball-room and shouted as loud as she could:

"Ladies and gentleman, have you heard the latest news? A new world has just been discovered by a certain Christopher Columbus!"


I Learn and practise the pronunciation of the following vocabulary.

1. century - gadsimts - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âåê}}$

2. to teach (taught) - mâcît - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{îáó÷àòü}}$

3. knowledge - zinâðanas - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{çíàíèÿ}}$

4. ambassador - sûtnis - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïîñîë}}$

5. important - svarîgs - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âàæíûé}}$

6. to invite - ielûgt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïðèãëàøàòü}}$

7. a Minister of Foreign Affairs - Ârlietu ministrs - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{Ìèíèñòð èíîñòðàííûõ äåë}}$

8. to be acquainted with - bût pazîstamam ar - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{áûòü
çíàêîìûì ñ }}$

9. to enter - ieiet - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âõîäèòü}}$

10. palace - pils - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{äâîðåö}}$

11. curious - ziòkârîgs - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ëþáîïûòíûé}}$

12. to present - iepazîstinât - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïîçíàêîìèòü,

13. credentials - akreditçðanâs raksts - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{âåðèòåëüíàÿ
ãðàìîòà }}$

14. to be obliged to do smth - bût spiestam kaut ko darît - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{áûòü âûíóæäåííûì äåëàòü}}$ $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{÷òî-òî}}$

15. to leave - atstât, aizbraukt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{îñòàâëÿòü}}$

16. far - tâlu - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{äàëåêî}}$

17. in astonishment - izbrînâ - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{óäèâë¸ííî}}$

18. to discover - atklât - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{îòêðûòü}}$

19. to rush - doties steidzîgi - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{áðîñèòüñÿ,

20. to shout - kliegt - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{êðè÷àòü}}$

21. as loud as she could - cik skaïi vien varçja - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{êàê ìîæíî ãðîì÷å}}$

22. the latest news - pçdçjâs ziòas - $\text{\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251}{ïîñëåäíèå

II Answer the questions.

1. When did the action take place?

2. What were young ladies in Italy taught then?

3. What of their knowledge was poor?

4. Who was giving a ball once?

5. What people were invited to the ball?

6. Who came very late to the ball?

7. Why did the young lady ask him why he was so late?

8. What accident had there been at the King's palace?

9. What would have happened if the ambassador of Brazil had left his credentials in Brazil?

10. Is Brazil very far from Rome?

11. How did the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs answer the question?

12. What did the young lady shout to the people, present at the ball-party?

III Read and reproduce the dialogues.


L. Why are you so late, sir?

A. You see, there has been a little accident at the King's palace.

L. What has happened?

A. Oh, nothing important.

L. But it kept you from coming here.

A. The ambassador of Brazil, who was to be presented to the King, forgot to take his credentials with him and was obliged to go back to his hotel to bring them.

L. Oh, but if he had left them in Brazil?

A. If he had left them in Brazil, we should have had to wait at least six months for them.

L. Is Brazil so far?

A. It is in the New World, which was discovered by Christopher Columbus.


L. Ladies and gentleman, have you heard the latest news?

G. What is it? Tell us, dear!

L. A new world has just been discovered.

G. A new world? By whom?

L. By a certain Christopher Columbus.

G. But that event took place in the 15th century, didn't it?

G. Sure, and the New World is no other, than America.

L. But the Minister of Foreign Affairs said dial Brazil is there, in the New World.

G. That's right. Brazil is in South America.

IY Make up and act out dialogues, using the following vocabulary.

1. To be late, a little accident, to happen, nothing important, to keep smb from smth, to be presented, to forget, to be obliged to, to leave, at least, to discover.

2. The latest news, has just been discovered, a certain..., to take place, sure, no other than, that's right.

Y Prove it by the facts from the story.

1. Ladies in Italy in the eighteenth century knew geography badly.

2. Once the French ambassador in Rome was giving a ball and invited many important people to it.

3. The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs came very late.

4. There had been a little accident at the King's palace.

5. If the ambassador of Brazil had left his credentials in Brazil, they should have had to wait at least six months for them.

6. Brazil is in the New World.

7. The young lady was very curious.

8. The young lady didn't know anything about Christopher Columbus.

YI Retell the story according to the given plan.

1. In the eighteenth century ladies in Italy had a poor knowledge of geography.

2. Once a French ambassador in Rome was giving a ball.

3. The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs came to the ball very late.

4. There had been a little accident at the King's palace.

5. There was a curious young lady at the ball, who was well acquainted with the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

6. Brazil is in the New World.

7. The New World was discovered by Christopher Columbus.

8. The young lady was very talkative, but didn't know history and geography well.

YII Topics for discussion.

1. Is Brazil very far from Italy?

2. What do you know about Brazil?

3. Speak about the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus.

4. Describe the ball given by the French ambassador in Rome.

5. What did the lady look like?

6. What do you know about the lady?

7. What can you say about the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs?

8. Make up a talk of the lady and the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

nâkamais augstâk iepriekðçjais saturs Angïu valoda DU TSC
Nâkamais: A DILEMMA Augstâk: ang1 Iepriekðçjais: A FISH STORY
