Armands Gritsans |
researcher, associate professor, Dr.math. |
Research Center |
Department of
Technology |
Institute of
Life Sciences and Technology |
University |
Parades street 1 |
Daugavpils, Latvia |
armands.gricans@du.lv |
Research interests |
boundary problems for ordinary differential equations (asymmetric
problems, qualitative behavior of solutions of nonlinear differential
equations), discrete dynamical
differential-geometric structures on manifolds
Education |
Dr.math., University of Latvia, 1992.Ph.D.
(Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences), Moscow State Pedagogical University, 1991,
thesis: "Differential geometry of Killing f-structures on manifolds"
Advisor: prof. V. Kirichenko.
Teaching |
First level study
programme "Information Technologies": discrete mathematics.
bachelor study programme "Information Technologies": linear
algebra, analytical geometry, discrete mathematics, number theory.
Academic master
study programme "Computer Science": discrete dynamical systems.
Doctoral study
programme "Mathematics": computers for mathematics, differential
Selected publications |
- A. Gritsans, A. Kolyshkin, F.
Sadyrbaev, and I. Yermachenko, On the stability of a convective flow
with nonlinear heat sources,
Mathematics, 11(18): 3895, 2023.
- A. Gritsans, V. Koliskina, A.
Kolyshkin, and
F. Sadyrbaev,
Linear stability of a combined convective flow in an annulus,
8(4):130, 2023.
- A. Gritsans, V. Koliskina, A.
Kolyshkin, and
F. Sadyrbaev,
On the stability of a steady convective flow in a vertical layer of a
chemically reacting fluid, in: 9th edition of the International
Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and
Engineering (COUPLED
PROBLEMS 2021), Vol. IS34 - Multiphysics Problems, 2021, 10
- A. Gritsans, A. Kolyshkin, D.
F. Sadyrbaev,
I. Samuilik, and
I. Yermachenko,
Solutions of nonlinear boundary value problem with applications to
biomass thermal conversion,
Proceedings of 20th International Scientific Conference "Engineering for
rural development" (May 26-28, Jelgava, Latvia), 2021, pp.
A. Gritsans,
F. Sadyrbaev,
and I. Yermachenko,
boundary value problem for a system of n second order asymptotically
asymmetric differential equations,
Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2018 (2018), No. 35, pp. 1-16.
A. Gritsans
and F. Sadyrbaev,
The Nehari solutions and asymmetric minimizers, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.
2015, Dynamical systems, differential equations and applications,
10th AIMS Conference. Suppl.,
A. Gritsans
and F. Sadyrbaev,
On solvability of boundary value
problem for asymmetric differential equation depending on x', Mathematical
Modelling and Analysis,
Vol. 18, No. 2,
A. Gritsans, F. Sadyrbaev,
and N. Sergejeva, Two parameter nonlinear eigenvalue problems,
Mathematical Models in Engineering, Biology, and Medicine, Proceedings of
the International Conference on Boundary Value Problems,
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 2009,
Vol. 1124, 185-194.
A. Gritsans
and F. Sadyrbaev, On the Nehari solutions, Proceedings of Equadiff 11, International Conference on Differential Equations. Czecho-Slovak
series, Bratislava, July 25-29, 2005. [Part 2] Minisymposia and
contributed talks. Comenius University Press, Bratislava, 2007, pp.
Digital Mathematics Library
- A. Gritsans and F. Sadyrbaev, On sine
and cosine type functions, arising in the theory of nonlinear
differential equations, Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis, no. 7,
Abstracts of the 6th Latvian Matematical Conference (April 7-8, 2006,
Liepaja, Latvia), Liepaja, p. 28, 2006.
A. Gritsans
and F. Sadyrbaev,
Characteristic numbers of
non-autonomous Emden-Fowler type equations. Proceedings: 10th
International Conference "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 2005'' and
2nd International Conference "Computational Methods in Applied
Mathematics'', 403--408, Technika, Vilnius, 2005.
A. Gritsans
and F. Sadyrbaev,
Remarks on lemniscatic functions, Acta
Universitatis Latviensis, Vol. 688. Mathematics, 2005, 39-50.
A. Gritsans
and F. Sadyrbaev, The
Taylor series expansion coefficients for solutions of the Emden-Fowler
type equations,
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Vol. 10, No.
3, 2005, 247-256.
- А.С. Грицанс, О строении киллинговых f-многообразий,
Изв. вузов. Матем., 1992,
No. 6, 46–54.
- A.S. Gritsans, On construction of Killing f-manifolds, Izv. Vyssh.
Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., No. 6, 1992, 46–54.
- А.С. Грицанс, О геометрии киллинговых f-многообразий, УМН, 1990,
том 45, выпуск 4(274), 149–150.
- A.S. Gritsans, On the geometry of Killing f-manifolds, Russ. Math. Surv., Vol. 45, No. 4, 1990, 168-169.
A.S. Gritsans, Some distributions on Killing f-manifolds
(Russian), Webs and quasigroups, pp. 142-146, Kalinin. Gos. Univ.,
Kalinin, 1990.
A.S. Gritsans, On a hyperspherical mapping and the Peterson
transformation of the surface
Vp\subset En by means of the medial normal
basis vector (Russian), Mathematics, I, pp. 152-161,
Univ. Zināt. Raksti, 552, Latv. Univ., Riga, 1990.
A.S. Gritsans, On the geometry of a family of middle normals of a
surface Vp\subset
En (Russian),
Differentsial'naya Geom. Mnogoobraz. Figur, No. 20, 1989, pp.
A.S. Gritsans, p-surfaces in En
with a general family of mean normals (Russian),
Differentsial'naya Geom. Mnogoobraz. Figur, No. 18, 1987,
p. 25-27.
A.S. Gritsans, On the family of middle normals of the surface
V2\subset E5
Differentsial'naya Geom. Mnogoobraz. Figur, No. 17, 1986, pp.
Activities |