
11th International Conference
Teaching mathematics: retrospective and perspectives

May 6 - 7, 2010, Daugavpils, Latvia


  1. Asmuss Svetlana AsmuS
    Asmuss Svetlana, Budkina Natalja, Šostaks Aleksandrs. On the necessity of verification of sufficient conditions Abstract

  2. Banionis Juozas BaniJ
    Banionis Juozas. Professor Zigmas
    Zemaitis (1884 - 1969 ) as a reformist of mathematics teaching in Lithuania Abstract

  3. Beinarovica Valentina BeinV
    Beinarovica Valentina, Yermachenko Inara. Mathematics teacher training in pupil's research abilities developing Abstract

  4. Bernotas Vytautas BernV

  5. Bogdanova Nelly BogdN
    Bogdanova Nelly. "Escherization" problem in a context of intersubject integration Abstract

  6. Bonka Dace BonkD
    Bonka Dace, France Ilze. First steps of the "Competition in science and mathematics" for 7th - 9th grade students Abstract

  7. Briska Inese BrisI
    Briska Inese. Increasing the role of mathematical calculus studies in developing the future mathematics teacher's professional competences Abstract

  8. Budkina Natalja BudkN
    Budkina Natalja, Pola Aija. On the organisation of the process of teaching mathematics to the students of engineering economic specialities at RTU Abstract

    Asmuss Svetlana, Budkina Natalja, Šostaks Aleksandrs. On the necessity of verification of sufficient conditions Abstract

  9. Bula Inese BulaI
    Bula Inese. Slide show in learning process of mathematics in high school Abstract

  10. Cepitis Janis CepiJ
    Cepitis Janis. Training of differential equations in the basic studies of mathematics in the University of Latvia: ways and advancement  Abstract

  11. Cernajeva Sarmite CernS
    Cernajeva Sarmite, Zeidmane Anda. Institute preparatory courses of mathematics at environment of portal Ortus Abstract

  12. Cibulis Andrejs CibuA
    Cibulis Andrejs. Individual assignments, tests, examination problems: insight into first year students' solutions Abstract

  13. Cunska Aija CunsA
    Cunska Aija. Multimedia learning object "Mathematical Induction"  Abstract

  14. Dargyte Janina DargJ
    Sičiūnienė Viktorija, Dargytė Janina. Teaching mathematics to gifted learners in Lithuanian basic school: the analysis of the situation and prospects Abstract

  15. Daugulis Peteris DaugP
    Daugulis Peteris, Shapkova Alesja. Research of mathematical reaction time of schoolchildren for improving mathematical education Abstract

  16. Drelinga Elga DrelE
    Krastina Elfrida, Drelinga Elga. Non-traditional methods of developing skills of multiplication at primary school Abstract

  17. Freija Laura FreiL
    Freija Laura. Teaching aids for advanced mathematics Abstract

  18. Garleja Rasma GarlR
    Garleja Rasma, Kangro Ilmars. Methodical approaches to the acquisition and application of mathematical concepts Abstract

  19. Gavaza Tatiana GavaT
    Gavaza Tatiana. On the forming of students' culture of thinking Abstract

  20. Gavshina Romualda GavsR
    Gavshina Romualda. Problems of functional extrema Abstract

  21. Gedroics Vitolds GedrV
    Gedroics Vitolds, Sondore Anita. Some problems of teaching the probability theory and statistics in the Daugavpils University Abstract

  22. Geseviciene Vilma GeseV
    Vilma Gesevičienė, Edmundas Mazėtis. Survey of possibilities of ICT use for teaching mathematics Abstract

  23. Ģingulis Edvīns GingE
    Ģingulis Edvīns. Liepāja University master students' researches on mathematical didactics Abstract

  24. Grevholm Barbro Elisabeth GrevB
    Grevholm Barbro Elisabeth. Upper secondary mathematics teaching and teachers - two recent Nordic studies Abstract

  25. Gritsans Armands GritA
    Gritsans Armands. Teaching mathematics: mathematics software course Abstract

  26. Jansone Anita JansA
    Jansone Anita. Information technologies for teaching mathematics  Abstract

  27. Kaldo Indrek KaldI
    Kaldo Indrek. Student's view of mathematics in Estonia at University level Abstract

  28. Kaljas Tiiu KaljT
    Kaljas Tiiu, Lepik Madis. Estonian, Finnish, German and Russian math textbooks in comparison Abstract

  29. Kangro Ilmars KangI
    Garleja Rasma, Kangro Ilmars. Methodical approaches to the acquisition and application of mathematical concepts Abstract

  30. Kasuba Romualdas KasuR
    Pipere Anita, Romualdas Kašuba. The phenomenological interview: exploring (math) philia and phobia Abstract
    Romualdas Kašuba. Postmodern features in problem solving Abstract

  31. Keranto Tapio Olavi KeraT
    Keranto Tapio Olavi. Capability of proof constructions and conditional inferences among Finnish elementary school teacher candidates Abstract

  32. Kislenko Kirsti KislK

  33. Krastina Elfrida KrasE
    Krastina Elfrida, Drelinga Elga. Non-traditional methods of developing skills of multiplication at primary school Abstract

    Rode Ojars, Krastina Elfrida. Values education in learning mathematics in primary school Abstract

  34. Kudzma Ricardas KudzR
    Kudzma Ricardas. Genesis of some mistakes at mathematical analysis course Abstract

  35. Kurvits Jüri KurvJ
    Kurvits Jüri. Operations with rational numbers In grades 5 to 7 Abstract

  36. Labeev Vladimir LabeV
    Labeev Vladimir, Shamshina Tatyana. Delivering a course of fundamental exact sciences to the first-year students

  37. Leonaviciene Terese LeonT
    Leonaviciene Terese, Leonavicius Grazvydas. Mathematics courses: student approach Abstract

  38. Leonavicius Grazvydas LeonG
    Leonaviciene Terese, Leonavicius Grazvydas. Mathematics courses: student approach Abstract

  39. Lepik Madis LepiM
    Kaljas Tiiu, Lepik Madis. Estonian, Finnish, German and Russian math textbooks in comparison Abstract

  40. Lipeikiene Joana LipeJ
    Lipeikiene Joana. Investigations of technology for mathematics in Lithuania  Abstract

  41. Macys Juozas Juvencijus MacyJ
    Macys Juozas Juvencijus. School-elementary proofs of irrationality Abstract

  42. Mazėtis Edmundas MazeE
    Gesevičienė Vilma, Mazėtis Edmundas. Survey of possibilities of ICT use for teaching mathematics Abstract

  43. Medvedeva Irina MedvI
    Medvedeva Irina, Martynyuk Oxana, Pan'kova Svetlana, Solovyova Irina. Formation experience competence-oriented educational program
    "Pedagogical education Abstract

  44. Melnichenko Grigorii MelnG
    Melnichenko Grigorii. A semigroup of integers and its connection with points on a circle Abstract
    Melnichenko Grigorii. An experience of teaching the programming language Java Abstract

  45. Mencis Jānis MencJ
    Mencis Jānis. Mathematics as a system and process Abstract

  46. Per'kova Natalia PerkN
    Per'kova Natalia. The problem of the organization of the student independent work at studying mathematics Abstract

  47. Pipere Anita PipeA
    Pipere Anita, Romualdas Kašuba. The phenomenological interview: exploring (math) philia and phobia Abstract

  48. Pola Aija PolaA
    Budkina Natalja, Pola Aija. On the organisation of the process of teaching mathematics to the students of engineering economic specialities at RTU Abstract

  49. Reinup Regina ReinR

  50. Riives-Kaagjärv Kaarin RiivK
    Riives-Kaagjärv Kaarin. On assessment systems in higher education Abstract

  51. Rode Ojars RodeO
    Rode Ojars, Krastina Elfrida. Values education in learning mathematics in primary school Abstract

  52. Sadyrbaev Felix SadyF
    Sadyrbaev Felix. Visualization in teaching math. modelling Abstract

  53. Sarenius Vesa-Matti SareV
    Sarenius Vesa-Matti. Capability of proof constructions and conditional inferences among Finnish elementary school teacher candidates Abstract

  54. Sedova Natalya SedoN
    Sedova Natalya. Cases-method as one of the effective means of formation of stochastic competence of the future teachers of mathematics Abstract

  55. Shamshina Tatyana ShamT
    Labeev Vladimir, Shamshina Tatyana. Delivering a course of fundamental exact sciences to the first-year students

  56. Shapkova Alesja ShapA
    Daugulis Peteris, Shapkova Alesja. Research of mathematical reaction time of schoolchildren for improving mathematical education Abstract

  57. Shmakov Pavel ShmaP
    Shmakov Pavel, Slepova Natalia. Humour and pleasure in mathematics teaching practice Abstract

  58. Siciuniene Viktorija SiciV
    Sičiūnienė Viktorija, Dargytė Janina. Teaching mathematics to gifted learners in Lithuanian basic school: the analysis of the situation and prospects Abstract

  59. Slepova Natalia SlepN
    Shmakov Pavel, Slepova Natalia. Humour and pleasure in mathematics teaching practice Abstract

  60. Sondore Anita SondA
    Gedroics Vitolds, Sondore Anita. Some problems of teaching the probability theory and statistics in the Daugavpils University Abstract

  61. Stankus Eugenijus StankE
    Stankus Eugenijus, Dagiene Valentina. Initial teacher education in Lithuania: policies, tendencies and challenges Abstract

  62. Starcevs Vjaceslavs StarV
    Starcevs Vjaceslavs. Additive set functions and the integral Abstract

  63. Tomsons Dzintars TomsD
    Tomsons Dzintars. Mathematical problems and simulation models in e-learning course of IT project management Abstract

  64. Veilande Ingrida VeilI
    Veilande Ingrida. On the importance of mastering solution methods of elementary number theory problems  Abstract

  65. Vintere Anna VintA
    Vintere Anna. Creation of International cooperation networks to facilitate the development of mathematics studies in LUA  Abstract

  66. Yermachenko Inara YermI
    Beinarovica Valentina, Yermachenko Inara. Mathematics teacher training in pupil's research abilities developing Abstract

  67. Žaime Daiga  ZaimD
    Žaime Daiga. Teaching of mathematic for non-mathematical students Abstract

  68. Zeidmane Anda ZeidA
    Cernajeva Sarmite, Zeidmane Anda. Institute preparatory courses of mathematics at environment of portal Ortus Abstract

  69. Zimakov Nikolai ZimaN
    Zimakov Nikolai, Shmakov Pavel. Teaching mathematics: underdetermined problems that inspire pupils Abstract

  70. Zinberga Laila ZinbL
    Zinberga Laila, Zinbergs Maris. Successful acquisition of general Olympiad problem solving methods in mathematics circles Abstract

  71. Zinbergs Maris ZinbM
    Zinberga Laila, Zinbergs Maris. Successful acquisition of general Olympiad problem solving methods in mathematics circles Abstract