Paper Requirements
11th International Conference
Teaching mathematics: retrospective and
May 6 - 7, 2010, Daugavpils, Latvia
The papers must be submittted electronically as email attachments. The filename of the submitted paper should contain the last name of the first author.
Submission address:
Ssubmission deadline: September 1, 2010.
General typesetting guidelines
Please prepare and submit the paper according to the following requirements:
Reference guidelines
References should be given according to the following pattern:
[N1] Author F.N., Coauthor F.N. (year) Title of the paper. Title of the journal, volume number, page numbers.
[N2] Author F.N., Coauthor F.N. (year) Title of the paper. In Editor F.N, Coeditor F.N. (Eds.) Title of the conference proceedings (vol. volume number, pp. page numbers). Place of publishing: publisher.
[N3] Author F.N., Coauthor F.N. (year) Title of the book. Place of publishing: publisher.
References in the Latin alphabet must be sorted in the alphabetic order by the last name of the first author. References in the Latin alphabet may be followed by references in other alphabets sorted in the respective alphabetic orders. References must be numbered as a single list.
Quality and review
Paper quality, review and publication guidelines: