First Announcement
11th International Conference
Teaching mathematics: retrospective and
May 6 - 7, 2010, Daugavpils, Latvia
Conference organizer:
The aim of the conference is to report and discuss significant recent research and activities related to mathematical education. Traditionally this conference series has attracted researchers and educators from Baltic and Northern European countries. Working language of the Conference is English.
The basic themes
Teaching and learning mathematics
Research on the content, methods, organisation and quality control of
mathematics education at all levels from
kindergarten to university. It covers mathematical, pedagogical,
psychological, historical, biographical and other aspects of mathematics
Extracurricular activities in mathematics education
Research and reports on various aspects of students' mathematics contests,
mathematical clubs, groupwork, projects and web-based activities.
Professional and career development of mathematics educators
Research on various aspects of teacher education, training, professional
development and evaluation.
Technology in mathematics education
Research of the use of information and communication technology in mathematics
teaching and learning.
The scientific program includes invited plenary talks (40 min) and contributed talks (20 min).
The work of the conference will be organized in plenary sessions and parallel sections according to the main themes.
International Program Committee:
P.Daugulis (chairman, Daugavpils University, Latvia),
A.Andzans (University of Latvia, Latvia),
E.Gingulis (Liepaja University, Latvia),
B.Grevholm (University of Agder, Norway)
E.Krastina (Daugavpils University, Latvia),
R.Kudzma (Vilnius University, Lithuania),
M.Lepik (Tallinn University, Estonia),
J.Mencis (University of Latvija, Latvia)
Organizing Committee:
P.Daugulis (chairman, Daugavpils University, Latvia),
V.Beinarovicha (Daugavpils
University, Latvia),
G.Gedzhune (Daugavpils
University, Latvia),
I.Gedzhune, (Daugavpils
University, Latvia),
A.Gritsans (Daugavpils University, Latvia),
D.Ilishko (Daugavpils
University, Latvija),
R.Japina (Daugavpils
University, Latvia),
University, Latvia),
A.Sondore (Daugavpils University, Latvia),
I.Yermachenko (Daugavpils University, Latvia)
Abstracts and Proceedings
Authors are requested to send an abstract (1 page) before March 1, 2010 to e-mail:
Instructions for the preparation of abstracts are available at Instructions for Abstract
The selected papers of the Conference will be published in the conference proceedings by Daugavpils University. All papers will be peer-reviewed.
Correspondence address
Dr. P.Daugulis (TM2010),
Daugavpils University,
Parades 1, LV-5400, Daugavpils, Latvia
Tel. (+371) 6 54 22302
Fax: (+371) 6 54 25452
Questions regarding the conference should be addressed to e-mail:
receive the Second Announcement you must register at or to fill in the registration form and send it by